Saturday, 3 May 2014

Simplifying the map reduce framework

Google MapReduce

What is Map Reduce ?
 Map Reduce is a model to process large amount of data in Parallel.Let user handle Computation aspects and hides the messy details of parallelization, fault tolerance,data distribution and load balancing .

Whats the programming model for MapReduce ?
Input <Key,Value> pair  -> Output <key,Value>pairs.
Map and Reduce two functions.
Map takes input pair,producing intermediate key value pair.
Group all intermediate values assiciated with same intermediate key k and pass it to Reduce funtion.

Reduce function :  Merge these intermediate values producing a smaller set if values.

What are some of the examples? 
Word Count. Count all occurrence of words in a set of documents. 
Map funciton -> each word plus an associated count..
Reduce function -> sum together all counts emitted.

Distributed Grep :  Map : Emits line if matches specific pattern, 
reduce identity function ,copies data to output.   

Count of URL access frequency : 
Map : Logs of web page request outputs <URL,1>
Reduce : Adds all values for the same URL <URL,total count>

Reverse Web Link Graph : 
Map: outout<target,source>
Link pairs target url found on source.  
Reduce : sums all source URL associated with a target.

Distributed Sort
Machine Learning.

What are the steps invloved in Map Reduce ?
1.Split the input file into M pieces of 16 MB or 64 MB.Starts many copies on cluster machine.
2.Follows master and slave model.1 Master many slaves or workers. Master  asssigns idle workers a task from M map and R reduce tasks.
3.Map worker reads input split . generate key value pair form it,pass it to Map function.
4.Map produces intermediate <Key,Value>pair which are buffered in memory.
5. Buffered pairs written to local disk periodically.Local disk partioned into R regions by partitioning function.
6.Location of these passed passed bak to master who forward these to workers.
7.Worker when recieves notification of a location, uses RPC to read buffered data from buffered Disk. Sort the data by intermediate key for grouping.
8.Reduce worker , iterates over sorted intermediate key and for each unique key it passes the <key,Value> pair to reduce function.
9.Writes the output to files.
Master :
Stores state(Idle,in-progress or compleated) and identity of worker machine.

Why Combiner Function ?
A mapper function(WOrdCount) produces output in the form <'the',1> with word and its count.  This output is then sent over the network to a single reduce task and clubbed together to produce as many output files as the number of reducer function.
Combiner function does parital merging of data ,before it is sent over the network. Combiner function runs on each machine that has Mapper funciton.
Combiner function significantly speeds up the MapReduce operation by minimizing the number of <k,v> pair that will be sent over the network therby improving the bandwidth. Combiner code is similar to Reducer. 

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