Saturday 19 April 2014

Extracting Movie Information from IMDB

A Python Script to access Movie information from IMDB..
you can look at the script on my GIT repository.
Goal : To extract Movie Information from IMDB.
Process : 
1) For data scrapping best python Library is Beautiful Soup.
2)Since I use Python3 Mechanize is not available so the work is a little difficult.
3)UrlLib2 module not found error resolved by  this code :
    import urllib.request as urllib2
    import urllib2

4)BeautifulSoup extracts information from the HTML code.
5)Search for a perticular title on IMDB.
6) Most of the time the first result is the one we are searching for .
7)Use Web Scrapping to extratct Movie Information.
8)Rating,Starcast,Critic Raiting and all the information is extracted.

rating = soup1.findAll('span',{'itemprop':'ratingValue'})[0].string

extracts rating from IMDB file . Here itemprop is a Defined class and You are extracting the first element of the itemprop class with name "rating Value"
Beautiful soup API useful for Scrapping
string  : returns the value.
text : returns the text associated with h1..h4, div tags.
other useful ways extract link using 
